Horowhenua Defibrillator Locations
We're fortunate to have a number of locations throughout Horowhenua where heart defibrillators are available.
You can find a searchable map of the most up-to-date AED Locations on the AED Locations website. This website enables you to quickly locate the nearest AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) anywhere in New Zealand to your current location. It provides the address, the physical location, instructions on how to access the AED, phone number and the opening hours.
Access to AEDs may be limited by opening hours. Before heading to any of the AED locations, contact them first to ensure they're open and the AED is available for use.
AED Locations Website and App
AED Locations is a website and a free app that enables you to quickly locate the nearest AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) in New Zealand to your current iPhone location.
The presence of an AED on this website:
- Does not confer an absolute right to use the AED
- Does not guarantee the AED is physically there
- Does not guarantee the AED is available for use 24/7
- Does not guarantee the AED is in full working order
- Does not guarantee the location of the AED is geographically correct.

Alternatively, go to the App Store on your smartphone or tablet and search for 'AED Locations'.