Community Wellbeing Committee The Community Wellbeing Committee brings together iwi and hapū representatives, community network representatives, key agencies and communities groups, to plan together and collectively monitor our community's wellbeing.
Community Wellbeing Strategy He Hapori Pakari, Strong Communities, was adopted by Council in June 2024. This refreshed strategy looks at the seven priorities that contribute to our community's wellbeing and outlines the principles of the Community Wellbeing Framework.
Local Directory Join a local group or become a volunteer with in the community. It can boost self-confidence, enhance self-esteem, and improve mental and emotional wellbeing.
Parks, Reserves & Recreation We're lucky to live in a district with plenty of green spaces. Studies show that exposure to these areas can reduce stress and depression while boosting mood and mental wellbeing.
Community Centres & Libraries Horowhenua’s state of the art facilities, like Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom and the Youth Space, help us connect and build a support network for our wellbeing.