Linda Fletcher


Linda Fletcher is a local girl through and through. She went to North school and Horowhenua College and is well known for her many years as a journalist and sub editor at The Chronicle. She developed a reputation for good, balanced, investigative writing.

Back in 2006, Levin’s centenary year, Linda was inspired by an ANZAC Day speech by our former Mayor, the late Sonny Sciascia. This got her started on a major research project that we know as Adopt an ANZAC. 

She and a team of volunteers set about identifying all the casualties named on the district’s war memorials and Honour boards in schools, halls and churches. As a result she has detailed the lives of 188 local men who died in the Great War and has told their stories using their letters from the front and obituaries. She has made contact with many families and been able to explain the contribution their ancestor made to the war effort. Some amazing information came to light and now its gathered together in an important book called Horowhenua and the Great War 1914-1918.

Now Linda is in the perfect job for her skills as Heritage and Communications Co-ordinator at Te Takere. She’s also been a volunteer at the RSA and a genealogist with the local Family History Group.

The President of the Levin RSA, Les MacDonald says she’s cut from the same cloth as her father Alex, a patron of the RSA. She gives her time freely to encourage and promote the common good and general appreciation of the many and varied aspects of our shared heritage.