Tag Free District
Keep Horowhenua Beautiful and the Horowhenua District Council are encouraging residents to help in the fight against tagging which has become a blight on our beautiful landscape. Horowhenua is an area of outstanding natural beauty but tagging gives any town or area a bad image, and it is a well-established fact that tagging which stays on a wall or other sites soon attracts more tags.
Keep Horowhenua Beautiful and the Horowhenua District Council are already working with Transport Authority, KiwiRail and Electra to address the issue of graffiti and tagging in Levin.
"Stop Tag" program
Council has invested in the "Stop Tag" program, which stores photos of tags in a data base that can be used to prosecute offenders in the future, and Keep Horowhenua Beautiful assist the community effort in painting out tagging and graffiti.
'Stop Tagging kits' which include paint and brushes are available free. To date, volunteers have painted over more than 200 tags on private property including the CBD and KiwiRail buildings, and many building owners are starting to paint out such eyesores on their buildings more regularly. Some owners have given permission for our teams to paint out graffiti on their property, but without permission we obviously cannot rectify ugly tagging.
How to report graffiti or tagging
Love the place you live and keep Horowhenua beautiful by helping in the fight against tagging. Report graffiti, whether it be on public or private property, to Horowhenua District Council on 06 366 0999 or lodge an Online Request for Service below, ideally with the physical address of the property to contact the property owner if required.