Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association


Waikawa Beach is a safe and serene spot in the sun. It’s a hidden treasure, not known by many, but a true taonga for those who live or visit here.

We want to protect and enhance that taonga, and the interests of our ratepayers and residents. We want to create and foster interest in the progress and welfare of Waikawa Beach.

We’re always working on ways to protect and develop our community, such as:

  • the Hank Edwards Reserve and changing sheds
  • the boat ramp
  • the vehicle entrance to the beach
  • the summer recycling truck
  • finding solutions for the ongoing rabbit problem
  • a new walkway project
  • the defibrillator, and signs so you can find it
  • discussions with the Council, Horizons, LTSA and others on roading, speed limits and other matters that affect all of us
  • summer fun days and boat races
  • summer golf tournaments.

The Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association serves to bring our community together and to find ways to better enjoy our very special environment.

The Waikawa Beach Residents Association was formed in 1974 and is open to membership from all residents of Waikawa Beach and the surrounding areas of Waikawa Heights and Strathnaver.